As the pandemic continues it is important for us all to find ways of staying sane and engaging in activities that’ll keep us busy and hopeful. A great option for one of these activities is gardening! Oh SNAP will be conducting virtual gardening workshops through out the semester (you can find more information on our Instagram @hsuohsnap), but if you want to get started in the meantime there are many resources out there to point you in the right direction. Down below you will find a list of tutorials that can help you begin your gardening endeavors.

The list doesn’t end here! I encourage you to find other videos on platforms like Instagram, Tik Tok, and Youtube that can teach you the importance of starting your own garden, as well as the joy it can bring to maintain one through out the year.

Good luck everybody and happy gardening!

Vegetables Are Cheap: Why Growing Food Holds Power Learn how growing even one herb sets you on a path of good mental and physical health. Nothing needed
To Begin: Plan Your Garden Learn to properly assess what you are able to grow in your available space.  Paper, pencil, creativity
Starting Your Engines: Build Your Soil Learn what your soil needs before you can start growing.  Soil, containers (if container planting), applicable amendments (compost, mulch, chalk, etc)
Getting Into Gear: Sprouting Your Seeds Learn how to sprout your seeds, and when to transplant, if necessary. Seeds, egg carton, seed trays, labels
Maintaining Speed: Pest Control, Watering, and Harvest Learn how to deal with pests, water appropriately, and harvest. Hose, watering can, scissors, knife, spray bottle