Written by Tori Lawton


  1. Pick a time of day when you can relax for a moment and catch your breathe (whatever time works best for you). I recommend either at the start of your day or the end, but it can be helpful to ground yourself with breath work at any time.
  2. Find a comfortable space and sitting position. Get comfortable and start to focus on the breath coming in and out of your body. Gradually slow your breathing using deep inhales through your nose and deep exhales through your mouth.
  3. Once you begin to feel relaxed, start to incorporate basic breath work techniques into your breathing:


  • 4-7-8 Breathing: Slowly take a deep breath in through your nose for 4 seconds, hold it for 7 seconds, and exhale slowly from your mouth for 8 seconds. Keep repeating and notice the changes in your body, as well as your state of mind. This exercise is all about the hold and a longer exhale than inhale.


  • Diaphragmatic Breathing: Also known as belly breathing, practice breathing while laying down on your back. Place your hands at the top and bottom of your stomach and begin breathing deeply. As you do notice where the air is going. Try to focus all of the air into expanding your stomach. Breathe into to your stomach, and then exhale, gently pushing all of the air out. Repeat and take note of the physical and mental changes you experience.


  • Alternate Nostril Breathing: This technique helps to open up nasal passageways and clear your head. Continue your deep breathing from the first two exercises, but this time try holding your finger down on one nostril at a time, inhaling through one side of your nose, and exhaling through the other. Continue this exercise and notice the feeling in your brain and chest.

benefits of breath work:

  • aid positive self-development
  • boost immunity
  • process emotions, heal emotional pain and trauma
  • develop life skills
  • develop or increase self-awareness
  • enrich creativity
  • improve personal and professional relationships
  • increase confidence, self-image, and self-esteem

*for all of these exercises make sure not to push yourself! Listen to what your body wants and take this time to appreciate all of the things it does for you!

a few meditation visuals: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RmJUuorNtDE&list=PLHRo0dH7JjBssqOI2g8ejKyAdRjBHVJg8



quick tip: I recommend either turning the volume down low or muting the volume when using meditation videos. Meditation is about focusing and quieting the mind, which loud noise can disrupt.